Nature Based Tourism, 5 cr (Campusonline)avaa tulostusnäkymä

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    10.02.2020 - 15.05.2020
    31.01.2020 mennessä
    Online course
    The student knows the emphasis and significance of nature-based tourism from the national and international perspectives. He/she knows the national theme-promoting strategies and development policies. He/she understands the concepts, phenomena and special characteristics related to nature-based tourism and is able to utilize them in analyzing operations. He/she is able to perceive different actors and operations in nature-based tourism. The student understands motives of a traveler and the theme’s significance to the competitiveness of the company.
    Nature-based tourism concepts and phenomena.
Nature-based tourism nationally and internationally.
Special characteristics and strategic emphasis.
Nature-based tourism actors and customers.
Nature-based services.
    Online lectures 20 h Reading material 20 h Assignments and information search 85 h
    Fredman, P. & Tyrväinen, L. 2011. Frontiers in nature-based tourism : lessons from Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden: Routledge.

Hall, C. M. & Boyd, S. 2005. Nature-based tourism in peripheral areas: development or disaster? Clevedon,Buffalo,Toronto:Channel View Publications cop.